Time Lapse (Embryoscope)

Embryoscope® is an advanced technology employed at American Hospital Dubai’s Fertility Center to monitor the development of an embryo in real-time.

Why You Should Consider

Selecting an embryo with the highest development potentials is one of the biggest challenges in in-vitro fertilization. If you’re starting or expanding your family through IVF,you can improve your chances of IVF success with EmbryoScope.

An Embryoscope is an advanced imaging technology that enables the Embryologist tomonitor the development of embryos and select the best embryo, which can result in a health for implantation. The technology comprises an incubator which mimics the physiological conditions in a woman’s body to create an optimal environment for embryos to develop and mature.

For individuals or couples undergoing an IVF cycle to build a family, it is worth considering EmbryoScope for a number of reasons, such as:

  • It provides an uninterrupted culture environment and optimal conditions of the incubator; hence supports better embryo development.
  • Enables embryologists to identify embryos that contain the highest potential of resulting in a pregnancy.
  • Generates crucial embryo assessments and images.
  • Embryologists can see and monitor the continuous development of embryos over several days.
  • At American Hospital’s Fertility Center, the Embryoscope monitoring is available to all IVF and ICSI patients, as an optional part of their treatment. Since using the embryo-development information obtained with this technology has the potential to identify and select an embryo with the highest development potential, an individual or a couple has:

    Can Benefit from

  • Improved chances of a successful IVF cycle.
  • Minimal chances of miscarriages
  • Reduced risks associated with multiple pregnancy
  • Improved pregnancy rates for patients of older ages
  • How Does EmbryoScope Work?

    The EmbryoScope allows IVF specialists to monitor embryos through the full course of their development. The specially designed EmbryoScope consists of:

    • State-of-the-art embryo culture incubator, where embryos are kept and monitored

    • Advanced EmbryoViewer software, for improved embryo selection

    • Culture dish for safe embryo handling

    The incubator is equipped with a built-in camera and microscope which are used to take images of an embryo or multiple embryos at regular intervals for up to five days. This series of images collects information about the embryo development, and is generated in the form of videos, while the embryos stay undisturbed in incubators.

    Based on the embryo-development information obtained using the advanced Embryo-viewer software, the Embryologist will be able to select the best embryos.

    Schedule an Appointment

    You can find out more about EmbryoScope and how it can improve your IVF treatment by booking an appointment with your consultant at American Hospital Dubai’s Fertility Center online.