Oncological Preservation

Our gynecologic oncologists at American Hospital Dubai offer fertility-preserving treatment to patients with cancer. Book your consultation today!

Oncological Preservation
with us.

Individuals facing life-threatening illnesses such as cancer might consider oncological preservation – a procedure administered
using different techniques to preserve reproductive capacity for use in the future, especially when they have taken control over their health. Since medical treatments for cancer including chemotherapy or radiotherapy may negatively affect the reproductive system, both oncologists and reproductive specialists often recommend egg freezing, sperm freezing, or even embryo freezing as a preventative measure.

Fertility Preservation and Treatment Options

Oncological preservation for cancer patients (both men and women) commences with testing and evaluating the patient’s fertility potential. This involves certain blood tests, imaging studies, and semen analysis (for men). The reproduction specialist evaluates results and develops a personalized treatment plan based on individual characteristics such as age, cancer diagnosis, and cancer treatment regimen.

1) For Women: Women who have yet to receive cancer treatment can opt for either egg freezing or embryo freezing. In egg freezing, eggs are matured with the use of injectable hormones, removed, frozen and stored. In embryo freezing, eggs are fertilized with the partner’s sperm (or donor) in an in-vitro laboratory and then frozen and stored for future use.

  • American Hospital in conjunction with Livio AB – a Swedish fertility treatment services provider with the largest network across Nordic countries – provides female cancer patients with the “ovarian transportation” procedure. This procedure is administered prior to radiation therapy, and it involves surgical displacement of the ovaries to minimize damage.
  • Furthermore, women with cancer treatments in progress can still manage to protect their reproduction capacities through“ovarian suppression”. It protects ovaries and minimizes the likelihood of infertility by using medications.

Once the patient has fully recovered and wishes to start or expand a family, we can turn their wishes into reality through our assisted reproductive technologies and IVF treatment options.

2) For Men: Following fertility tests necessary to evaluate the fertility potential of a man, the sperm freezing procedure begins with sperm banking, which involves the collection of a semen sample. Once the patient provides a semen sample, the reproduction specialist either uses the whole sample or selects only healthy sperms with the highest mobility and quality from the semen to freeze and store.

Other procedures that help protect male fertility before or during cancer treatment include:

  • Percutaneous sperm aspiration (PESA) – Performed for random extraction of sperm from the epididymis, outside the testis.
  • Testicular tissue freezing – Testicular tissue, containing cells that produce sperm, is removed, frozen, and stored.
  • Testicular sperm extraction – Performed through an open biopsy to obtain testicular tissue. Using it, sperm cells are isolated, frozen, and stored.

The vitrified ovules and frozen semen are stored in specific tanks, which are kept at extremely low temperatures, and under continuous monitoring.

Schedule an Appointment

With individualized, compassionate care always a priority, the experienced clinical team at American Hospital’s Fertility Center evaluates your options and expectations to provide you with a thorough understanding of the oncological preservation treatment.
If you wish to learn more about oncological preservation services in Dubai for people with cancer, or to schedule an appointment at American Hospital’s Fertility Center, please fill out our online booking form.

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