In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Providing Individualized In-vitro fertilization treatment to help build your family.Book a fertility consultation with IVF experts at American Hospital Today.

Fertilization (IVF)
with us.

Starting a family is an exciting adventure, regardless of the journey taken.In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is an effective and safe assisted reproductive technique that can optimize your chance of achieving pregnancy if you’re experiencing difficulty conceiving.

American Hospital Dubai, in collaboration with Livio AB, has committed to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered fertility care to individuals or couples struggling with infertility.Weunderstand the challenges that can come with building a family. This is why, our teamincluding board-certified reproductive endocrinologists and infertility specialists, nurses, and lab professionalsfocuses on helping YOU build your family in a caring and responsive environment. Our primary areas of expertise include in-vitro fertilization (IVF), artificial insemination, and fertility preservation.

In order for pregnancy to naturally occur, the sperm must travel through the uterus to reach an egg, fertilize and form an embryo. While the process sounds simple, there are multiple factors that can jeopardize this journey, causing hindrance at every step of the way. These may include low sperm count, decreased sperm quality or mobility, a blocked fallopian tubeor cervix, a damaged or diseased uterus, and/or disruptions in the release of sperms.

Our hope
in IVF

When the gametes (sperm and egg) are unable to fertilize naturally, in-vitro fertilization may be an option.

In-vitro fertilization is a highly complex assisted reproduction treatment. With a significant success rate, IVF has become the most sought-after procedure for couples to achieve pregnancy.

About In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the union of the egg with the sperm outside the human body - in the laboratory. The resulting embryo is inserted into the uterus where it implants itself and gives rise to a pregnancy.

What Does In-Vitro Fertilization Involve?

IVF involves hormonally stimulating a women to retrieve eggs from their ovaries may be used in a controlled manner. The eggs are then fertilized with your husband sperms acquire in vitro in the laboratory. One of the resulting embryos is transferred back to the uterine cavity, whereas the rest are preserved for future use.

In What Cases Is IVF

In vitro fertilization technique is indicated when intrauterine insemination (IUI) remains ineffective to achieve the desired outcomes, and women have the following conditions:

  • Advanced endometriosis
  • Blocked or compromised fallopian tubes
  • Low oocyte quality
  • Low quality ovules (occur in elderly women, mostly)
  • Hydrosalpinx

    Furthermore, the cases in which the man has poor sperm quality call for IVF too.

    Advanced endometriosis
    Compromised fallopian tubes
    Low oocyte quality
  • In-Vitro
    Fertilization (IVF)
    Success Rate

    As success rate refers to achieving pregnancy, in-vitro fertilization offers higher pregnancy rates than other infertility treatments, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI). However, several factors determine the chances of becoming pregnant depend in each case; for example, age, medical and reproductive history etc.

    How Is In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)



    During an initial consultation at American Hospital’s Fertility Center, the fertility specialist will evaluate the patient health, medical and family history,and reports of related treatments, if received in the past, for a personalized diagnosis. In addition, the specialist will perform trans-vaginal scan, as well as ask for the sperm analysis for the husband.
    All of this information will enable the doctor to develop an individualized treatment plan that best suits the patient’s needs.



    Once the treatment plan is determined, the in-vitro fertilization proceeds with the stimulation of ovaries using injections to grow follicles. The fertility specialist carried out ultrasound and blood tests to keep a track of the growth and volume of follicles. As they reach to the desired size and number, a dose of the hormone hCG is administered to induce ovulation. 36 hours later, the puncture is scheduled.



    It’s a brief but simple procedure performed under sedation in the operating room. During this procedure, the gynecologist access ovaries through the vaginal cavity, and puncture each of the follicles to collect the fluid that contains the ovules. Those ovulesare later fertilized with sperms in the in-vitro fertilization laboratory.



    This involves the in-vitro fertilization of eggs with the husband’s sperms using two different techniques i.e. conventional IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In the conventional IVF, ovules are deposited in drops of the semen sample for fertilization in the culture dish. On the other hand, ICSI involves individual selection of the best sperm and then its placement inside each ovule.



    For 5 to 6 days, the embryologists keep analyzing and monitoring the development of embryos by using advanced tools and technology.



    This involves examining the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus), and ensuring that it is thick enough to receive the embryo and support pregnancy.



    The patient is laid down in bed without any sedation, while the embryo is carefully inserted inside the uterus through catheter. After resting for some time, the candidate is free to leave the clinic. Please note that IVF doesn’t restrict the patient from carrying out daily routine; however, it is recommended to avoid high-intensity activities.



    Vitrification refers to preservation of good quality embryos for future use without requiring a new stimulation.



    The fertility specialist specifies the tentative date for the blood pregnancy test, which is usually 14 to 15 days after transferring the embryo.

    Book an Appointment

    In our assisted-reproduction IVF Center at American Hospital, we have all the fertility treatments and expertise necessary to achieve a safe pregnancy. If you’re unable to conceive a baby naturally, let our Fertility Experts at American Hospital Dubai help you achieve your family goals. Book an appointment for your fertility treatment or In-vitro Fertilization by using our secure web form below.