
We have chosen to work with ISO standards which are internationally recognized and accepted. Fertilitetscentrum Göteborg was the first IVF clinic in Sweden to be certified, in 2002. Our laboratory was accredited in 1998 according to ISO 17025 as the first IVF laboratory in Europe, and again in 2007 according to the new standard ISO 15189-2007. The purpose of accreditation, which is voluntary, is to ensure that our methods meet highly set standards of quality control.


Our Services

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good hands!

Patient care is also about the follow-up of potentially unsuccessful treatments and conducting a renewed analysis based on the outcome of previous treatments and previous analyses. The majority of couples who undergo more than one IVF treatment end up having a baby. Repetitive treatments usually increase the couples’ chances of getting pregnant. However, there is a minority of couples who undergo several treatments where pregnancy never occurs.

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